My corner of Evangelical world gives some thought to the book of Revelation and it's meaning, along with not a few prognostications about the nature and meaning of the Beast. I thought I would offer this as an intelligent foray into the meaning of the Beast so we can all be ready when that denizen of history appears on the global scene.
We all know that 666 is the Number of the Beast.
But did you know:
$665.95......................Retail price of the Beast·
$699.25......................Price of the Beast plus 5% sales tax·
$769.95......................Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul·
$656.66......................Walmart price of the Beast·
$646.66......................Next week's Walmart price of the Beast·
00666.........................Zip code of the Beast·
1-666 .........................Area code of the Beast·
1-900-666-0666 ............ Live Beasts! Call Now! Only $6.66/minute.·
670............................Approximate number of the Beast·
DCLXVI.....................Roman numeral of the Beast·
666.0000.....................Number of the High Precision Beast·
0.666 .........................Number of the Millibeast·
1010011010..................Binary of the Beast·
Phillips 666..................Gasoline of the Beast·
$6.66 9/10....................Price of a Beast gasoline·
Route 666....................Way of the Beast·
666 F.........................Oven temperature for roast Beast·
666k..........................Retirement plan of the Beast·
6.66%........................5 year CD rate at First Beast National Bank, $666 minimum deposit.·
i66686........................CPU of the Beast·
666i .......................... BMW of the Beast·
DSM-666.....................Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast·
668............................Next-door neighbor of the Beast·
666 mg........................Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast·
Lotus 6-6-6...................Spreadsheet of the Beast·
Word 6.66....................Word Processor of the Beast·
6 h. 66 min....................Beast Standard Time (BST)·
Boeing 666....................."A Jet for the Beast Age"·
Beverly Hills 66666..........Beast's favorite TV show·
6/6/66..........................The birthdate of the Beast·
666-66-6666..................The Social Security number of the Beast·
6666............................The PIN of the Beast·
25.806975.....................The square root of the Beast·
Motel 666......................Beast Western·
Windows 96 ver.666.........OS of the Beast